Sunday, October 2, 2011

New Yorker Reader

The reader of this particular New Yorker is someone who wishes to escape from the normal chaos/confusion of the city, and be above all of it. This is shown in Drooker's covers as well as other artworks of his by portraying people or animals above the city and looking down on it. A few articles and advertisements in the magazine also emphasize this by talking about being free from political struggles. This is shown in the multitude of Chevron advertisements that pop up throughout the magazine, which talk about helping people with AIDS, and being "better" than other oil companies. This gives the reader a sense of being above, or "better" than something. There was also an advertisement for Cadillac, which emphasized luxury quite a bit. This escapes from the norm because most New Yorkers take the subway or taxi, so owning a cadillac which is an expensive car would be a form of escape.

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