Sunday, November 6, 2011

Technology Articles

This article disproves the article we read in class because it talks about how things like twitter are opening up a whole new field of science. The article talks about how scientists and researchers use twitter to learn about cultures and language. It also makes the point that global moods can be more closely analyzed by what people post. This article definitely takes a more positive approach on technology by viewing it as a research tool, and a cultural melting pot.

This article also disproves the disconnected urbanism article by talking about how technology brings people together as a community, rather than secluding ourselves. As the senior marketing manager at the Guggenheim says, “We use Twitter to not only to connect with one another, but to share what we feel brings value to a larger online arts community,”. This is a much more positive outlook on technology and culture together. This article also talks about how art majors can explore a much wider world of art right at their fingertips, which is much more than art majors in the past have been able to have.

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