Monday, September 5, 2011

Brooklyn heights, 4:00 A.M. Poem

Notice and Focus:
A lot of contrasting ideas, child/ adult
Undertones of how our idea of fun changes as we age
Marlboro Light filter repeats
Idea of "playing" repeats
blonde repeats

So what?:
In this poem, the idea of putting your childhood in the past is a recurring theme. The hopscotch court represents childhood, and putting out the cigarette on it is a symbol for letting go. There is a lot of contrasting ideas like the Coors Light versus the jumprope. The blonde hair represents innocence, and the blonde child finding the filter is somewhat of a loss of innocence.

Text Analysis:
In the text analysis they saw pretty much the same binaries that I saw. The text explores the multiple meanings of "far" which I had missed. The text also explored all of the different violent actions that are used in the poem, that give the poem more of an edge. The repetition of the word forty was also acknowledge, and was said that it alluded to being middle aged. The text had some thought provoking analysis.