Sunday, September 25, 2011

New Yorker Cover Analysis Part 2

I found it interesting that in the book they look into the historical context of the time period the cover was published. I touched on this briefly in my analysis, but I didn't think to delve deeper into it. I also thought that it was interesting how they noticed that the three states they used other than New York ended in the letter 'a', which I had not noticed. This further illustrates the similarities between the three states, and differences from New York. The book categorizes the cover as a "dumb blonde joke" by showing how the darker woman with a beauty mark is set apart from the rest. I also touched on this, but in a different way in my analysis. The most interesting part to me was when the book talked about New York as a point for immigrants, and the cover could be focusing on ethnicity. This struck me because it is a very plausible interpretation that I had not explored. Comparing New York to the more southern/west coast states, New York is definitely more diverse due to immigration. This is an interesting way of looking at it, and also very different from my analysis.

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