Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Photo Analysis part 2

Out of all of the pictures I chose, the one that stood out to me the most was the first one. The main themes that stood out to me in this picture were adulthood, freedom, and happiness. It was the easiest for me to evaluate this picture because of the loud colors and the drawings on it. The second most grasping picture for me was the one with the coffee cup. This picture had a lot going on in it and I was able to pick it apart a lot. The clutter in it had the theme of business and getting through hardships, and there were subtle undertones of quirkiness in the shark printed sheets. I think that this picture was the best representation of a self portrait overall because it showed my personality, and what I do on a day to day basis. The picture of the street lined with trees was difficult to analyze because there weren't many things in it that jumped out at me. Other than the old fashioned buildings and crosswalks, I didn't have much to say about it. The calendar picture was fun to interpret, but it related to me in too much of a straight forward way. The pride and prejudice picture was also to straight forward, because it represents my favorite movie. The most difficult picture to interpret was the one with the flowers and beading. It didn't say much about me as a person, although it did have some themes portrayed in it. By having all of the flowers moving toward the light, it had a theme of reaching toward things that help you grow. Other than that, there weren't many things to pick apart in that photo. Overall I would say that the photo with the Tim Hortons coffee cup was the one that spoke to me the most.

1 comment:

  1. Good start---I'd be interested how you interpret the photo... One thing I am struck by is how cluttered and random it seems... Try to do more than say, " I drink coffee..." Try to focus on the picture as a whole and move that description into a more specific analysis of how it represents you......ie, what themes or ideas, rather than literal meanings, are contained in the picture?
