Sunday, September 11, 2011

Pictures and Analysis

The focal point of this photo is the number 18. I think the number 18 represent the age, and that it represents adulthood. The photo has bright neon colors, whic is a loud and bold choice. A choice was made to only depict the top half of the person, and the hand is cut off from view which could indicate vulnerability. The person is dancing to their music, which represents freedom and being carefree. The person has a smiling face drawn on and is yelling "Yay!" which indicates happiness. In the background you can see a reflection of light which indicates that the surface of the object is shiny. The reflection looks like blinds from a window.

The main focal point of this photo is the Tim Hortons coffee cup. There is also a light blue tissue box, a pair of headphones and a computer, a pair of scissors, and Expo markers. If you look closely into the background you can see something printed with sharks on it, and a horizontal metal bar. There doesn't seem to be a direct light source coming in other than just a general brightness about the photo.
This is a black and white photo of a city street. The street is lined with old fashioned looking buildings, trees, and lamp posts.You can see 3 crosswalks on the street which indicates that the area has a high population of pedestrians. That means that the area must either be commercial, or residential. The fact that the photo is black and white must mean that either it is a very old picture, or the feelings attributed to this picture are sad.
This picture looks like an advertisement for a movie. The focus of the picture is put on the title of the movie, "Pride and Prejudice", and the review that says "The Best Film of the Year!". The photo depicts a person walking from an orange sky where the sun is behind a tree, to a blue sky where the sun is not shown. This could be a depiction of time passing, or just change in general. The top half of the photo is not shown, which means that the part that is shown is of more importance.
This picture shows two rows of silk flowers, and a lot of intricate beading. The light source is coming from the right half of the picture, and the flowers all seem to be moving toward it. This means the the light source could be representing the sun. The beading is all moving in all directions and patterns. The flowers are only in the middle diamond shape of the picture, which could represent isolation.

This picture is showing a calendar of the month September. There are green explosions drawn on either side of the word September which indicates that it is an exciting month. The days are X'ed off up until the 10th which shows that the photo was taken on September 10th. The X's give a sense of counting down to an event. On the 16th it says "Going Home" which seems to show that that is the event being counted down to. The photo highlights only the X'ed off days and the "Going Home" day while the rest of the days are excluded from focus.

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