Sunday, September 11, 2011

Carl Sandburg's Poetry

In my experience reading the poetry of Carl Sandburg, it seems that he tends to repeat certain words or phrases for emphasis. He does this in the first section of his poem "In a Breath"by repeating the word "sun" to emphasize the feeling of heat. He also repeats the words "large" and "cool" in the same poem to emphasize the switch from heat to water. By repeating the words he puts a clear image into the reader's head and makes it stick.
Carl Sandburg also repeats words for emphasis in his poem "Bath". He uses the word "rose" twice in the poem, but with different meanings, to clearly show the change of theme. He also repeats the word "singing" a few times to make it known that music is an important aspect of the poem. This repetition emphasizes the most important aspects of the poetry.
Another thing that Carl Sandburg does in his poetry is that he changes between themes quickly and dramatically. In "In a Breath" he switches between hot and cold. He starts off with summer heat, switches to an ocean, and then goes back to the first theme. Not only this, but he switches from playfulness to aggression without any warning. This gives the reader the idea that so many things can be happening in one moment.
Carl Sandburg does the same thing in the poem "Bath". He does this by switching themes from death to life. He uses binaries like "grinning skull and cross-bones" and "broke down and rebuilt" to make contradictory statements and further hint at the change of theme. He puts the idea of creation versus destruction in our heads by using binaries and word repetition, which subtly hint at his ideas.


  1. A good start. This is generally well written.

    I notice that you focus on 2 points: repetition and contrast. While I think you develop the contrast theme--to stress creation/destruction--the repetition theme never gets developed: you write that
    "By repeating the words he puts a clear image into the reader's head and makes it stick...." I don' think this says a whole lot. Try to push these very good observations further into an argument....
    Why is repetition important in the world of the poem? Is it a repetitive world? Does it make us look at how things change?....

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